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Remote First Responder © (RFR) – tactical

Immediate, effective medical care saves lives.

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Remote First Responder © (RFR) – tactical

Immediate, effective medical care saves lives.

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Remote First Responder © (RFR) – tactical

Immediate, effective medical care saves lives.

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Remote First Responder © (RFR) – tactical

Immediate, effective medical care saves lives.

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Remote First Responder © (RFR) – tactical

Immediate, effective medical care saves lives.

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Remote First Responder © (RFR) – tactical

Immediate, effective medical care saves lives.

Course Overview

Our medical training has been specifically designed for the African conservation environment.

The RFR Tactical course provides the responder with the knowledge and skills to provide immediate treatment of a traumatic, or medical casualty in remote and hostile environments. Students will be taught the required skills to identify life-threatening injuries and perform lifesaving medical interventions.

Course Content

Our course concentrates on the provision of effective trauma management in all expected environments, with the focus on the remote and hostile environment. Training is best suited to those working within the military, anti-poaching units, the close protection sector or rural private security.          

Subjects covered include:
  • What is shock and why do we die? Initial scene management, The SAFE approach.
  • Understanding the “MARCH” Principles and the CareUnder Fire/ Care Under Threat, Tactical Field Care and Prolonged Field Care phases of care.
  • Massive haemorrhage Control (M), Airway assessment and management (A), Respiration assessment and management (R), Circulation assessment and management (C), Head injury assessment and management, the importance of Heat management and careful patient Handling (HHH).
  • Vital signs and patient assessment methods, eye trauma and injuries, stings and envenomation, burns assessment and management, assessment and management of fractures and dislocations, splinting and improvised splinting, environmental injuries.
  • Medical emergencies and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), Triage principles, evacuation methods, reporting, hand over to further care (ATMIST).
Massive Haemorrhage Control
Airway Management
Respiration Assessment
Circulation Assessment
Heat, Head, Handling
Evacuation and Extrication Skills
General Course Information
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Courses are delivered in English and/ or through an interpreter. Students will be issued with a basic pocketbook written in English. This book can be translated to other languages if required.

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Entry Criteria

No prior medical qualifications are required to attend our basic (two-day) or our intermediate (six-day) level of courses.  

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Either at a Gravitas Medical Solutions training facility or a location convenient to you and your team members.

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The RFR© Tactical courses are currently certified by Gravitas Medical Solutions Limited, however course recognition is being applied for both with the Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care, Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh and the Ministry of Health, Kenya.

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